Career & College Readiness Resources


Learn about what is ahead on the journey.


Create the education and career path(s) to map your destination.


Start your journey today to take advantage of all the opportunities.


Let's find a way to pay

Welcome to the Career and College Readiness Page

This is a page of resources that can help empower youth to visualize and build a path to a career of their choice. Children that are consistently enrolled in quality out-of-school programs are more likely to go-on to post-secondary education. It is never too early to begin This page has a litany of services and tools to help students. Help them pick the career that fits their skill set and interests, explore a variety of careers learn about how they can complete college courses before high school graduation, and help them find financial resources to help them get there.

where to starteasy to use tools

The tools in this section help students begin their college and career path.

access to data

Explore the landscape of Idaho’s workforce and read articles about why higher learning matters

education-career pathways

Visualize a career path and plan your steps to get there

advanced opportunities

Begin a career path BEFORE high school ends